See some of the world’s most innovative legal tech products.

Smart Contracts


AI-based tool to summarize contracts. It presents the agreements as one-page extracts, so they are easy to review and analyse. Your contracts & summaries are stored in a convenient repository, which you can filter by date, sides, contract types and tags.


goHeather automates professional-grade HR documents like an employment contract, affordably.


Weagree accelerates contract drafting. We provide a highly user-friendly contract automation solution for top quality contracts, optimising the performance of legal professionals. Our solution includes contract lifecycle management and operates as a repository (of signed-and-scanned contracts and contract-related files). As one of the first contract automation providers worldwide, Weagree is a leading innovator. We are …

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Sheria Online

Sheria Online is a Digital platform that seeks to bridge the access to Justice gap in Kenya.


We are a legal tech company that offers SaaS solutions and cloud technology to support all business units (including legal department) of Indonesian companies becoming more efficient, cost effective and scalable when dealing with legal matters and documentation.

PracticeLeague Legaltech

We provide an Intelligent and Unified platform for the Enterprise Legal Ecosystem driving Digital Transformation to the next level. PracticeLeague helps entwine legal efficiency and cost-effectiveness with a complex end to end business operations with the sheer power of simplicity, speed and innovation driving today’s quintessential competitive edge and the highest standards of corporate ethics. …

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My Shamba Digital

My Shamba Digital is an online platform that assists land owners, citizens, and other stakeholders to interact with the ardhisasa online platform, the national land information management system, with the help of qualified and licensed professionals. Users can also access relevant land information in our resource center and blog page My Shamba Digital Blog and …

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Lexserve Digital

Lexserve centre is legal technology based a company that was formed to address the problem of inaccessibility, complexity and high cost of legal services. The legal sector in Kenya is riddled with complex legal procedures that makes it difficult for the average Kenyan mwananchi to understand and often they are forced to engage legal practitioners …

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Docue Technologies is a legal tech company founded in 2015, headquartered in Helsinki. Our offices are also located in Oulu and Stockholm. Docue is on a mission to democratize law with its digital legal services. On, we offer dynamic document creation platform, document archiving and e-signing as well as lawyers advice in case of …

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Smarter documents that drive your business. Contract Vault GmbH is the creator of the DocIQ platform. DocIQ gives you the ability to handle any aspect of the document lifecycle up to 80% more efficiently. No programming required.