See some of the world’s most innovative legal tech products.

Community Legal Practice

Smarter Drafter

With our proprietary document automation technology, you can dramatically reduce the time taken to produce a perfectly drafted and error-free document so that you can spend more time with your clients and focus on building your practice.

Pro Help Legal Australia

Pro Help Legal Australia provides value by providing an encrypted video connection service with several features (calendaring, native in-meeting API, and more) as well as access to analytical and empirical data.

Privacy Optimization

Privacy Optimization helps organizations navigate the complex landscape of privacy regulations by providing Privacy Audit, Privacy Consulting and complex processes optimization: Data Breach Management Tool is our flagship product. It is a software dedicated to helping organizations analyze personal data incidents, automatically assess their risks and timely report personal data breaches to the appropriate data …

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Nuix software helps organisations overcome the challenges of litigation, investigation, risk, compliance, governance, and security.

Neota Logic

Neota is an award-winning no-code AI automation platform, providing professionals with a wide range of easy-to-use tools to rapidly build applications that automate any aspect of their services.


Our specialty lies in the relationship between fundamental matter/case/project data and the workflow, tasks and documents produced as a result.


Designed exclusively for sole practitioners, start-ups and in-house legal teams, mattero is the perfect solution to consolidate matters, documents, emails, time and fees all in  one place.


Legaler stores all data in its encrypted state on AWS’s military grade protected servers, rendering it useless to security threats.

Legal Tech Helper

We help law firms productise legal services and organisations to build out their digital services and automate documents to meet their clients’ needs.


We are LARA, providing Legal Aid Referral Assistance.